Thursday, April 16, 2009
One Year Later - The Nigerian Scam Project
About a year ago, I noticed a huge trend in my junk-mail email folder - a ton of emails that were all direct, or indirect variants of the infamous Nigerian Email Scam.
Every day for a year, I'd comb through my junk-mail and record down in Excel all this information.
The combined total of money offered to me from all the emails came out to:
4+ BILLION dollars.
Out of that 4+ BILLION dollars, I was expected to pay out a mere $5,913.
I received unique (not duplicated) 402 email offers.
The largest offer I received was for $125,000,000 from a Bank out of Hong Kong.
The smallest offer I received was for $79,591 for an "International Awareness Program"
This was a fun project, but I'm glad it is over. Recording down those emails every day got old really fast.
That's it for now. I'd love to say "I can't come in to work today because I"m rich", but I've yet to see a penny of that promised 4+ billion dollars. I think I'll hold off just a bit more before I buy my own personal Boeing 777...........
-Rev. Dr. Elparquito